Yay! We already have the Swiss flag certificate, and it is only 8 weeks after we sent the documents. We can only praise the Swiss Maritime Authority. Despite the fact that we have received many warnings, everything went smooth. We were kindly served each time we called.
Bajka unter Schweizer Flagge

Now, we can sail on our Bajka under the Swiss flag. We will gather the remaining miles that are required to receive the authorisation for sailing yachts and motorboats to enter the sea (B-Schein) in the summer. We also bought a Swiss flag at AWN, and Ela ironed it. 🙂

Swiss flag

It was not only a stroke of luck, as some of the documents had to be prepared beforehand. These included:

  • Photocopy of Swiss passport
  • Purchase agreement
  • Survey
  • SRC (Short Range Certificate)
  • Ela’s Polish ocean sailing licence
  • Radio communication licence from Bakom (Federal Office of Communications) together with CE marking for all radio receivers
  • Certificate of purchase and maintenance of the inflatable raft (ISO 9650-1 standard)
  • Evidence of the liability insurance determining the territorial scope
  • The original of deregistration certificate

In any case, we were very satisfied and were celebrating this event with the boys during a cruise around Lake Zurich.