In the evening we planned the next day. The coast to Le Havre doesn’t offer protected bays and harbours are accessible only during high water. Additionally we had to consider the current and the easterly wind up to 20 knots. We decided to head for Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue with a start early in the morning and an estimated arrival in the worst case at 12 o’clock. We also defined waypoints to pass at a certain time.
After a short night we started the engine early in the morning at 5:30. The waves were steep and not everyone felt perfect in these conditions. Ilian had to vomit the whole morning milk. We should have know this from car driving… Only Ela was 100% seaworthy and played with the kids inside.
We passed all the waypoints earlier than planned and so we reached Saint-Vaast la Houge two hours ahead of schedule. A small harbour with a depth of 2.4 meters of water. The small fishermen’s village is very nice and the Marina facilities were well maintained.

In the afternoon the water around the harbour was gone and the oyster farms came to light and we explored the dried sea with the kids.
Back at the boat came the moment for a little climbing session. The kids could climb the mast with the little help from Papa. They had great fun flying with their security belts and Ilian wanted more and more. Fortunately Ela had just finished pan-cakes, which is Nael’s favorite meal.