After two weeks of working life we ​​flew back to Jersey, but this time with the two boys. We took the direct flight from Bern-Belp.
Flug nach Jersey

On our Bajka we were greeted with a delicious breakfast from Grandma and Grandpa, who did the past two weeks’ vacation here, and from Asia and Gaia which had landed the night before.
Crew Asia Gaia

Together we explored the city and the playgrounds and in the evening we wanted to eat together in a restaurant. Everything was booked and we learned that everyone here makes reservations in advance, especially on the week-ends.

On Sunday we took a nice trip to St. Queen’s Bay in the west. At low tide, there’s a long beautiful beach with many small warm puddles of residual water. This was ideal for Nael and Ilian to play,  jump and spray.

Gaia, who had her leg in plaster, also wanted to join… Asia organized a beach-wheelchair from the “Beach Ability Organization” and so Gaia could walk along the beach with us.
Gaia Rollstuhl

The highlight for Nael was the kite, which he got from Grandma and Grandpa.

As the high water came in the tourists were kindly asked to leave the controlled beach and so were also heading back to our boat and grandparents took the ferry back to the mainland.
Flut Strand

Many thanks to grandma and grandpa for looking after our Bajka during the two weeks we were back in Switzerland.
Oma & Opa